
This amazing spirit has something original to offer in superquality mixology. Being a definitive in its differentiation what we have here is a unique opportunity to mix a quality cocktails with all these
infusions of flavor, that are not just simple infusions of one type of spirit, but every single one has its on base of fruit of which was fermented and distilled.

Stay tuned for a special video tutorial of Rakia Mixology.

Not to be confused, as same as in the Bar&Liquor terminology, there are some of the liqueurs, cordials that are made with natural flavorings and based on Rakija. Common practice and a very traditional element of every Rakija distillery is to make a Sour Cherry brandy named "Višnjevača", and used as every household's  house digestive. It is a must have.
As the practice of moonshining (home distilling) is still practiced largely at the countryside, every household practices making "Višnjevača" by blending their Rakija with honey or sugar and sour cherries.
The second most popular Rakija based Liqueur is the honey blend. It has been called "Medovača" and, besides being a superb digestive, it is used commonly for a different ritual purposes, mostly at weddings.

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